To continue slow the spread of COIVID-19, and in order to comply with Executive Order N-33-20 issued by Governor Gavin Newsom, on April 10, 2020...
Congratulations to Kenneth Watnick for his victory on an appeal contesting an arbitration award rendered in Ken’s client’s favor. In Hymanson, Inc. v. Mad Dogg...
On April 1, 2020, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) went into effect. The FFCRA requires employers with less than 500 employees to provide...
The COVID-19 crisis is impacting businesses across the country. Understanding the rights and obligations of the parties during these times of uncertainty is important. One...
County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health issued the “safer at home” order effective March 19, 2020 through April 19, 2020 to help control...
March 2, 2020 Rina Carmel has been named to the 2020 Southern California Super Lawyers list. This recognition is based on a selection process involving...
David R. Hunt and litigation paralegal J. Peter Del Valle defeated a claim by a former Long Beach lifeguard/rescue boat operator alleging he was injured...
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